Thursday, November 29, 2012


Andre is one of the best Pro Trainers/coaches in New York City. He is so enthusiastic with developing athletes into being top contenders that he is able to influence children and their parents to work hard. He is very well respected from his colleagues at FastBreak, children who participate in the program, and their parents.

If your desire is for you and/your children to become better athletics not only on the court but as well as on the court then Andre is the trainer/Coach needed in your program.

Check video's some of Andre's training sessions by clicking the link and subscribing to our YouTube channel!!!!!

- Lika Lemon

Coach John Staley

You were one of my 1st basketball coaches at Henry Settlement. I will never forget all that you taught me. You was always more like a big brother to me and always had my best interest at heart. For that you will never be forgotten. You are gone but not forgotten. You are up Heaven with Apache watching over us.

Luv you!

- Lika Lemon

Friday, November 9, 2012

HardWork24-7 with NBA Prospects Shavar Richardson and John Skip Hawthorne

Tonight was a great workout for skip and Shavar. Pro Trainer Andre Oupoh pulled out the odd tricks and went back to his basics. It was intense but still fun.

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

Check video's to this training session and more by clicking the link and subscribing to our YouTube channel!!!!!

- Lika Lemon